ZigaForm version 7.2.5


RLDATIX helps organizations drive safer, more efficient care by providing governance, risk and compliance tools that drive overall improvement and safety.

With over 4,000 customers in 19 countries, RLDatix software protects hundreds of millions of patients around the world.

The Business Challenge

The organization’s suite of Risk, Governance, and Compliance tools helps it’s healthcare customers improve safety for Patients, Staff, and the organization itself.  These tools help manage risk, improve the patient experience, provide clinical feedback, and optimize compliance, provider management, and contract management.

As the scope of products and customers expanded, RLDatix was faced with an increasingly complex mix of customer opportunities and a growing and diverse sales team.  RLDatix faced an increasing need for more diligent sales processes and revenue visibility to keep up. The organization wanted a way to closely track how well the right data was being put into its dataset and how well Salesforce was being utilized as a way to increase sales efficiency. At the same time, the company needed a better handle on its forecasts in order to make timely decisions on resource allocation and investments in people and products.

The Solution

SalesChoice began to yield insights soon after the app was installed in RLDatix’s Salesforce instance, and the results were there for all to see. The AI model was customized for the client’s unique sales processes and team structure, and the team went through comprehensive training sessions that allowed RLDatix to establish a regular cadence around using SalesChoice insights to validate expected revenue and track sales performance and process diligence.

In its very first quarter, SalesChoice clocked an 87% accuracy in its predictions, with 91% accuracy in predicting wins specifically. It also revealed precise points of incomplete data that allowed RLDatix to begin improving its Salesforce adoption. Most importantly, the entire team was able to closely follow insights on what was driving each of their opportunities to improve their odds where feasible and to make better strategic decisions on an individual and team level.

Ratio based forecasting, driven by the Saleschoice ranking and predictive scoring, is being used to augment and validate the sales managers’ forecast call.  This intelligence is providing insight on pipeline sufficiency and deal quality.  It allows the sales team to identify priority deals to focus on, and tests the validity of Commit deals and their likelihood of closing as forecast.

The Saleschoice dashboard provides an excellent tool for sales managers to review their team’s pipeline, with one-click access to the opportunity itself.

John Selles

John Selles

Former Director of Sales Operations

“How would I describe SalesChoice? … My secret weapon for forecasting!

In the short term I am using SalesChoice to beef up forecasting accuracy.  I believe that sales reps are benefiting from the focus SalesChoice provides on their best quality opportunities.  In the future, we hope to learn more about what the leading indicators are for successful deals, tune our sales process and Salesforce system to work with that, and then delete Salesforce fields that don’t add value to the sales process.”