ZigaForm version 7.2.5

Data Completeness Insights

A. Introduction

In our automation and insights-driven era, organizations face an enormous challenge in driving the adoption of technologies used to automate business processes. The learning curve involved, eagerness towards client-facing sales tasks and stack fatigue (i.e. the burden of using and managing multiple technologies at work) are some of the primary reasons why sales people hesitate in using CRMs like Salesforce. Unfortunately, that leads to missing data which leads to inaccurate insights for the sales representatives and leaders alike. This is where SalesChoice’s Data Completeness layer helps with an easy-to-use instant solution to increase Salesforce adoption rates up to 99% levels.

B. How Does It Work?

The Data Completeness layer shows in real-time, how complete the data is across all relevant fields on Salesforce and other connected software, for every single user in the team. “Relevant fields” implies all fields that have been identified by the SalesChoice Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithms as influencing the sales deals in predicting outcomes.

SalesChoice not only surfaces the critical fields that sales people can focus on, but also allows visibility to the user as per his/her role in the organizational hierarchy set up on Salesforce. The Red-to-Green percentage scale makes it easy to grasp completion levels instantly to advance your productivity investments in your Salesforce CRM.


C. Benefits for Your Sales Organization

SalesChoice’s Data Completeness can immediately improve your Salesforce adoption & insight accuracy. It helps:

1. Understand which fields across Salesforce and other connected layers are most influential for your business deals, so that your sales team(s) can focus on the critical few versus all fields in Salesforce, thereby maintaining completion levels and saving time in doing so.

2. Identify where the data is missing in real-time & who is responsible for the same to allow specific action versus more generic efforts in trying to solve data issues.


D. Business Impact

Salesforce Adoption: Sales teams can achieve & sustain 99% Salesforce adoption levels by easily tracking data status and progress at any time (say, the weekly sales meetings). 90% of CRMs fail due to data completeness utilization issues. We give you an immediate solution, installable in less than 5 minutes to ensure your CRM investment is maximized.

Insights Accuracy: Complete data implies more accurate insights not only from SalesChoice but all other BI and advanced analytics measures in place in the organization, which results in more effective actions by the sales team.