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SALESCHOICE CASE STUDY: Staffing & Recruiting


MONDO is one of the largest staffing agencies in North America, specializing exclusively in high-end niche IT, Tech, and Digital Marketing talent.

With a network of 1.4M+ high-end, niche Tech experts, 100+ connected industry-specific Tech Recruiters, and 10 offices nationwide, Mondo boasted an unmatched fulfillment ratio of 68% and an average placement time of 3-5 days for contract roles and 5-10 days for full-time roles. To achieve and sustain this high-level performance, Mondo needed to ensure their sales team retained a sharp focus on critical client engagement.

The Business Challenge

The recruiting industry is reliant on building great relationships with its’ clients and closely understanding their needs. As a customer-centric business, Mondo wanted to ensure that its’ sales team was staying close to their vast client base. This required keeping track of not only the frequency of client interactions but also the types of interaction channels and also understanding the impact of those interactions on nurturing, growing and converting clients.

An acute focus was needed to monitor Activity types, volumes and business impact – critical but difficult to easily measure at all levels of business for a company of Mondo’s stature. The company understood that they needed an advanced tracking and analytics solution, complete with a simplified view for the management team to utilize actionable insights in real-time. The value of such a solution would not only improve the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiencies of their sales team’s efforts but also would give them strategic insight on reducing churn of critical clients. To achieve this, they turned to SalesChoice, a leader in improving Sales Inefficiencies and Ending Revenue Uncertainty.


The Solution

SalesChoice Inc. is a Salesforce ISV Application Partner that analyzes data from the Salesforce Sales Cloud and builds a unique AI model for every client to predict future outcomes and ensure the data integrity of each client’s predictions, versus assuming one size fits all.

To achieve Mondo’s powerful vision, SalesChoice customized its Account Scoring & Activity Insights solution to allow a multi-tiered analysis, providing real-time insights on the state of engagement by office, account executive and account in an integrated management dashboard to easily measure performance goals.

The insights included a real-time visibility into not only the volume levels by activity types – both past and upcoming – but also the contacts and sales opportunity velocity. All data was processed by the SalesChoice Insight EngineTM to score the office, account executive and accounts, which immediately revealed the best and worst performing ones in each category. Furthermore, the account insights also offered a comparison of historic client value and with ongoing and estimated values, revealing accounts at risk of churn, i.e. least influenced by AE’s activities and engagements touchpoints.

To end sales inefficiencies & revenue uncertainty, book your personalized discovery call at SalesChoice to learn how we can save your company precious time, advance your integrated Customer Relationship Management platform investments by using our Advanced Analytics Insight Engine to advance your company into the Age of Data Sciences.


Meagan Humphrey

VP, Sales & Recruiting Enablement

SalesChoice is a client centric software company that you can count on to achieve hard to get at sales performance insights that increases your win rates by 10% immediately upon install. We waste too much time in sales focused on the wrong customers or easily can lose track of our call activities. Their software is easy to use, guides the right behaviors to increase not only sales velocity but also reduce customer churn risks. We can now easily compare best practices across our regions and improve our coaching with our AE’s. They are helping us modernize our analytics with advanced approaches, yet keep everything so clear and simple, that adoption in our Salesforce CRM is not a problem anymore.”  Meagan Humphrey, VP Sales and Recruiting Enablement.