ZigaForm version 6.1.1


Macadamian Technologies, a full service software and design firm, develops innovative and transformational solutions to meet their client needs. Like most Professional Service firms, resource utilization efficiency is top of mind, as well as ensuring sales forecasting is accurate to manage the business demands of a rapidly growing business.

The Solution

SalesChoice evaluated first all of Macadamian Technologies historical data stored in SalesForce.com, a leading CRM solution, using SalesChoice’s Predictive Analytics – Insight Engine™ to determine the value of using SalesChoice’s solution.

Over five years of historical win and loss patterns were analyzed validating over 85% prediction accuracy.
SalesChoice also analyzed Macadamian lead sources from Eloqua (i.e.: customer referral, Google Ads, website, account executive) that were sent to the opportunity funnel, and identified the best lead sources that had higher win rates. The software was successfully deployed in less than a day to the sales professionals.


The Value

According to Dinesh, SalesChoice has augmented Macadamian’s existing sales practices. At Macadamian, they use a decision matrix that involves four key areas:

  1. SalesChoice’s Ratings (Prediction %, & Rankings (A, B, C),
  2. Class Customer (Gold/Silver/ Bronze)
  3. Sales Rep Input
  4. Sales Stage/Battery Test

For companies like Macadamian where the cost of people’s time in selling is the greatest cost in customer acquisition, SalesChoice is a powerful objective input based on historical data that complements subjective measures in the sales process.

“There is no question that SalesChoice’s Prediction’s Insight Engine™ has added value to our investment decisions, and has influenced over $20M of decision making in our pipeline. Over a 10,000X ROI.”


Dinesh Kandanchatha

Managing Director

“SalesChoice brings value to support our other practices at Macadamian. If we removed SalesChoice, our business would not be able to focus on the best wins or position our resources on the most optimal accounts. In other words, we would not have line of sight effectively to make improved management decisions on our resources, or be as tuned to invest in the best opportunities to win more. It is kind of like driving with your glasses on with SalesChoice, you can see more, reduce risk, and get to your destination more reliably. That’s why we like to call SalesChoice – the New SalesGPS. We also have renewed our contract. I cannot imagine going back to not having SalesChoice as part of our operating practices. These sciences are like extra car lights – you simply can see more!” says Dinesh Kandanchatha.