ZigaForm version 6.1.1


Versature is a leading cloud-based VoIP communication company. Founded in 2003, Versature prides itself in extreme customer care and provides fully bilingual Canadian-based technical support to all of its customers.

Versature delivers the highest quality phone systems, the most features, and robust enterprise integrations and plugins. The company was recently acquired by IDT, a publically traded global telecom company.

The Business Challenge

With Versature’s dedication to continuous innovation and its customer centric approach, accessing insights customer in real-time and adapting to deal changes has always been at top of mind. Anastasia Valentine, CMO is a thought leader who was curious as to how advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) foundations could provide Versature a competitive edge in retaining customers.

Versature realized that key executives had little visibility into its sales activities.

There was a challenge of forecast quality and sales reps were utilizing time to enter data that they did not use when completing their deal forecasts.

“We needed a solution that easily enabled automation, a more accurate forecast, more guidance, and tap into the platform’s predictive analytics to steer reps in the right direction, but we knew data accuracy and completeness was key to improving our operations, ” says Anastasia.

Finally, Versature’s management team was concerned sales representatives focused on the wrong accounts and had lost opportunities on key accounts. “We knew we were missing business because we didn’t follow up on our sales leads or share information about new prospects,” says Anastasia.

The Solution

SalesChoice’s Predictive Analytics Insight Engine™ is successfully deployed at Versature, and has already seen significant value by in these key areas:

Predictive Sales Forecasting: The SalesChoice predictive capabilities and quality ratings classified sales opportunities into 5 categories based on the probability of winning: A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, F’s. This allowed Versature to concentrate on the deals that matter more and have the highest odds of winning.

Now with SalesChoice, Versature is able to predict their sales forecast with minimal effort and an accuracy exceeding 90%. “Our entire sales team is now using SalesChoice, and I am able to manage my sales forecast with increased visibility and risk practices. We start our weekly sales calls reviewing data completeness and this is why we have improved our sales practices. Quality Data correlates to Win Outcomes. If your company wants to learn about sales and AI, I highly recommend them.”

Data Completeness: “SalesChoice brings clarity to our data completeness on the most important win factors .With their guided selling insights, we were able to increase our Salesforce adoption from 66% to 99% which enabled Versature to have a more robust and predictable sales forecast. They helped us build more trust in using Advanced Analytics and their software is so Easy to Use – it made all the difference!”

Personality Profile: SalesChoice also profiles the personality type of Versature’s reps, as well as its accounts, so that each account can be matched with the right rep. The feature easily reveals the communication styles to ensure reps communicate with their customers in a way that they understand, thereby building trust to purchase.

To end sales inefficiencies & revenue uncertainty, book your personalized demo at SalesChoice to learn how we can save your company precious time, augment your integrated Customer Relationship Management Platform Coaching Insights and advance your company into the Age of Data Sciences.

Anastasia Valentine

Head of Sales and Marketing, Versature

“As our team grew, sales managers were concerned they were not seeing enough on deal status.. We didn’t want to pull reps out of the field.” says Anastasia, “It was time to find a solution to unify our sales and marketing teams to scale our entire organization.”