A note from our CEO, Dr. Cindy Gordon:

2022 has been an amazing year for all of us at SalesChoice. We have had much joy and growth, from adding incredible talent to onboarding many new customers from diverse industries to use our AI Product innovations.

This year we brought a unique new product – MoodInsights – to market with the help of the Ontario Center of Innovation (OCI) and Purolator. With MoodInsights, we are striving to improve employee engagement and wellbeing. With 20-30% of employees coming to work sad or angry every day globally, we have much to do to improve productivity and employee happiness in our post-Covid world.

We also started two new operational practices to help support hybrid work environments. One is a daily Hug Huddle where everyone shares and aligns on their focus and priorities for the day (agile scrum but with less structure). It has proven to be a great collective and collaborative way to reinforce that we are in this together as we kick start our day. The other is a monthly Ignite University learning session to increase our internal knowledge transfer. What a way to help colleagues in every functional area appreciate what the others are doing and learn topics outside their core skills domain! Building our people to be the best they can be is important to SalesChoice in order to service our customers in ways that always show how We Care More.

We also have been working on our channel partnerships, with Introhive announced this year and more announcements to come in 2023. I received the Entrepreneur of the Year award at the Bonhill Women in IT Awards 2022, while SalesChoice was recognized for its Sales Insights solution among the top 10 Revenue Management solution providers by Xplorex IT magazine, adding to our ever-growing chain of global recognitions. Our momentum is due to a strong partnership with our customers who understand that AI investments offer unique implementation challenges and that data persistence and ethical practices lead to world-class AI models.

Many of us were also fortunate to be able to travel again this year, leaving our footprints around the globe – from the cuisines of Africa and cultural heritage of India to the streets and sounds of Spain and hiking in the Maritimes. So much learning comes from experiences outside of our work lives and cultures. Meanwhile, our community involvement continues to be a focus as always, and we hope to do more next year.

To appreciate all we have in life, our donation this year goes to Mental Health and Wellness for Indigenous People. Malay continues to support the education, livelihood and wellbeing of four children in rural India – strong bodies build strong minds. As the native proverb goes, “When we show respect for the living things, they show respect for us.

All in all, 2022 gave us much to be thankful for and a sense of excitement as we welcome 2023. Wishing all of our customers, employees, partners and suppliers – a joyous holiday season and the best wishes in the New Year.