From Forbes School of Business & Technology at University of Arizona Global Campus, Dr. Maja Zelihic, Dean & Dr. Karen Lynne-Daniels Ivy, Department Chair & Professor Technology Studies joined us in a timely discussion on Generative AI and what it means for the Education industry. You can listen to the conversation here.

Continuing on the theme of Generative AI, Dr. Cindy Gordon also recently deliberated whether Microsoft is staking its future on the technology in her latest article on Forbes. It followed her other article on the rapid rise of AI’s smartness with every new version of the ChatGPT that has led to tech icons launching a petition to pause.

SalesChoice also hosted Dean Meyer, President at N. Dean Meyer & Associates and author of ‘How Organizations Should Work’ on an organizational architectural discussion to identify the missing link that could lead to a smarter organizational design. You can listen to the conversation here.

Have you taken a look at Mood Insights yet? If not, catch this 30-second video to learn how you can achieve a team dynamic and employee experience like never before with a real-time channel to reduce costly operational risks and employee churn, all while respecting individual privacy. More details on the website here.

And as always, if revenue enablement and increasing your topline revenue in this tough economic climate is top of mind for your organization, reach out to us to see the most comprehensive suite of features you can get on a single app to supercharge your sales team.