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Mental health

Diving Deeper With KAJI.ai, A Mental Health And Wellness App

In her recent article, Dr. Cindy Gordon explores KAJI.ai, a health and wellness app that uses generative AI and supports B2C & B2Bcustomers.

About Dr. Cindy Gordon:

Dr. Cindy Gordon ICD.D. is the CEO of SalesChoice, a SaaS AI company focused on Ending Growth Uncertainty for Human Advantage and has been recognized by Onalytica as one of the top AI global influencers. Prior, she has held senior executive and partner roles at Accenture, Xerox, and Citicorp. She has also been a venture capitalist or angel advancing B2B technology software companies. Internationally, she is recognized for her innovative thought leadership with over 14 books in the market. Cindy is also a board advisor/ thought leader in  SaaS /AI or AI education/ market research companies at:  The AI Forum,  Corent Technology, Forbes,  Kaji.AI, USAII. Her AI community track record is extensive, University of Arizona – Business and Technology AI Board Advisor, Adjunct Professor, George Brown College, Applied AI. She regularly speaks at international conferences to advance AI Ethics and AI Education to board directors and C-suite executives. Academically, Dr. Gordon has an honorary Applied AI Doctorate Certification from George Brown College, an MIT AI Strategy Certification, and a doctorate in Complexity Science and Social Networks. She is also a certified Board Director with an ICD.D. designation. Under Dr. Gordon’s leadership, the company has won over twenty international awards, most recently she was recognized as the CEO of the Year Award for Women in Digital Transformation. She has also received the Governor General Award for her Innovation and Community Leadership.

For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Yim, Director of Product and Marketing, SalesChoice Inc.


Or please visit https://www.saleschoice.com/ where you can find more resources on AI.

Follow us on:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SalesChoice_inc

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/saleschoice

New Challenges Arising In Mental Health That Board Directors Must Pay Attention To

Bringing mental health out of the shadows and into mainstream management with effective and frequent leadership communication is a step in the right direction.” Says Dr. Cindy Gordon.

Click here to read more about the “New Challenges Arising In Mental Health That Board Directors Must Pay Attention To” in Dr. Cindy’s latest blog on Forbes.

About Dr. Cindy Gordon:

Dr. Cindy Gordon is the CEO of SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company. Prior she has held senior leadership roles at Accenture, Xerox and Citicorp. Internationally, she is recognized for her innovation thought leadership with over 14 books in the market. Cindy is also a Board Director /Advisor with: Corent Technology, TouchTV, Kula and CoursePeer. She is also a recipient of the Governor’s General Award for Innovation. Her community track record is extensive, highlights include: CATA (Current National Media Spokesperson for Women in STEM), Invest CrowdFund (ICC) Canada (Former National Chair), Former National Chair at Women in Technology (CATA: CANWIT), Co-Chair, iCanada (Smart Cities), Former Director, Nightwood Theatre, Former Director, St. Lawrence Theatre, Former President, Xerox Canada Women in Technology, etc.

For more information, please contact:

Malay Upadhyay, Chief Customer Experience Officer, SalesChoice Inc.


Or please visit https://www.saleschoice.com/ where you can find more resources on AI.

Follow us on:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SalesChoice_inc

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/saleschoice

What Will The Next AI Killer App Be Given Covid-19 Impacts? – A Forbes Article

If we reflected on the realities of our current business office working hours, there is no executive leadership team that I know of that is not starting to discuss the implications of online fatigue, and for many good reasons – as many of our employees and colleagues are sharing stories that they feel they are becoming zombie zoomers. The new realities of a day is often a series of movements jumping from diverse collaboration tools like: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, Skype, or What’s App – all with the intent to connect, collaborate and contribute. Our office worker eyes are getting tired, and our employees are simply not taking enough mental health breaks away from their technology toolkits.

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