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Daly’s new book ‘Digital Sales Transformation in a Customer First World’ prepare us for the future of selling

Pre-Book Launch Review by Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO SalesChoice – November 2nd, 2017

I was thrilled to receive a pre-launch copy of Donal Daly’s new Book, Digital Sales Transformation in a Customer First World. As I dug in to read Donal’s seventeen thought-provoking chapters, it was very obvious that he had successfully painted a clear picture of the digital sales transformation market dynamics, and the impact this is having on sales transformation. Speed of information and big data is simply our new reality. The Rise of the Digital Transformation is put in context with his opening chapter’s words:

“In the two minutes, it has taken you to read to this point in this introduction, the world sent 300 million emails, watched 15 million videos on YouTube, and searched 8 million times on Google. Salesforce customers processed 6 million transactions in that time, and together we managed to send 10 million emoji’s! The world is truly moving at Internet speed and it is only getting faster.”

Now Available on Amazon at: http://a.co/25Zr1b4

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Why AI will solve Attention Deficit Disorder in Sales Professionals

Our Distracted, Always-On Reality

In a recent Time-Warner Study, “Digital Natives” (Millennials in their twenties who grew up with digital) switched media venues 27 times per non-working hour. That’s roughly 13 times in 30 minutes or the time it takes to watch one episode of The Office. “Digital immigrants,” who grew up with old-school technology and adapted to digital, switched media venues 17 times per non-working hour. In addition, Millennial are trending to shift jobs 7 times before they are 30. This is a workforce where change is a daily constant. In addition, by 2020, Millennials (born from 1982 to 2004) are expected to make up nearly half the workforce.

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