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New releases in the EY and SalesChoice video series on “Managing the Risks of AI”

March 27, 2018 | Toronto, ON – Accelerated interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) means that individuals and businesses will need to understand the ethics, risks and impacts of what is being unleashed. SalesChoice and EY have come to together to discuss the hidden risks of AI and its impact on stakeholders in a new video series, “Managing the Risks of AI.” The series is led by Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice, and Cathy Cobey, Technology Risk Partner at EY Canada.

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Why AI will solve Attention Deficit Disorder in Sales Professionals

Our Distracted, Always-On Reality

In a recent Time-Warner Study, “Digital Natives” (Millennials in their twenties who grew up with digital) switched media venues 27 times per non-working hour. That’s roughly 13 times in 30 minutes or the time it takes to watch one episode of The Office. “Digital immigrants,” who grew up with old-school technology and adapted to digital, switched media venues 17 times per non-working hour. In addition, Millennial are trending to shift jobs 7 times before they are 30. This is a workforce where change is a daily constant. In addition, by 2020, Millennials (born from 1982 to 2004) are expected to make up nearly half the workforce.

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SalesChoice Inc. Partners with Relation Edge to Expand Coverage


SalesChoice Inc., a Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics SaaS Company specializing in sales analytics and an ISV Certified App of Salesforce, has partnered with RelationEdge to advance its North American channel reach to small and mid enterprise businesses.

We have partnered with RelationEdge due to their depth in Salesforce Systems Integration and their world-class process value proposition to understand customer needs first before deploying technology. Partnering with RelationEdge enables us to rapidly grow our Data Science and Analytics offerings and leverage their and go-to-market expertise,” said Dr. Cindy Gordon, SalesChoice CEO and Founder.

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The Chief Channel Officer: Takes on the Omni Channel Data Science Officer Role

Dr.Cindy Gordon defines the significance of Big Data: Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics and explores why the Science of Selling using advanced data sciences such as artificial intelligence, text mining and machine learning can give Chief Channel Officers insights on what channels are doing, what is surging in real time on channel interests they are servicing, or what customer trends are emerging that can create lead capacity for reseller channels.

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Siri Can Now Increase Your Win Rates

“Siri Can Now Increase Your Win Rates” by Cindy Gordon was originally published in Sales Mastery Magazine.

The not-far-off future of selling is a bit like the movie “Her”. In the movie a man falls in love with his virtual assistant, modeled after Apple’s Siri. We forget about the computer that’s driving and relate to her as another uber-intelligent person who can answer anything.

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