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AI Innovations Accelerated By Government And Business Leadership Fight Against COVID-19.

There is nothing more important in the global economy than the health and wellness of all our citizens. The raging war of COVID-19 has been persisting with a vengeance and evolutionary resilience has the medical community constantly on high alert.

According to Harvard Medical Professor, William Haseltine, author of Variants. The Shape Shifting Challenge of COVID-19, “If we’re lucky, SARS-CoV-2 will evolve, like the 1918 virus dubbed the “Spanish flu,” to become less lethal. After infecting an estimated 500 million worldwide and killing at least 50 million, the 1918 flu virus receded. But hope that this coronavirus will attenuate over time is no guarantee that it will. We already know that coronaviruses can become much more lethal; we need look no further than SARS-CoV-1, which killed 50 percent of those aged 65 and older, and MERS, which killed one out of three infected.”

Seeing how this outlook seems more probable than not, Dr. Cindy Gordon, SalesChoice CEO, discusses the topic “What are global governments doing to advance COVID-19 research and stimulate innovation?” in her recent Forbes blog.

To read more, click here.

About Dr. Cindy Gordon:

Dr. Cindy Gordon is the CEO of SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company. Prior she has held senior leadership roles at Accenture, Xerox and Citicorp. Internationally, she is recognized for her innovation thought leadership with over 14 books in the market. Cindy is also a Board Director /Advisor with: Corent Technology, TouchTV, Kula and CoursePeer. She is also a recipient of the Governor’s General Award for Innovation. Her community track record is extensive, highlights include: CATA (Current National Media Spokesperson for Women in STEM), Invest CrowdFund (ICC) Canada (Former National Chair), Former National Chair at Women in Technology (CATA: CANWIT), Co-Chair, iCanada (Smart Cities), Former Director, Nightwood Theatre, Former Director, St. Lawrence Theatre, Former President, Xerox Canada Women in Technology, etc.

For more information, please contact:

Malay Upadhyay, Chief Customer Experience Officer, SalesChoice Inc.


Or please visit https://www.saleschoice.com/ where you can find more resources on AI.

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Twitter: www.twitter.com/SalesChoice_inc

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Dr. Cindy Gordon wins Sara Kirke E&Y Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Dr. Cindy Gordon has been awarded CATA’s “Sara Kirke E&Y Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation” 2017 for women who have shown outstanding entrepreneurship, as well as technological innovation and leadership that has significantly expanded the frontiers of Canada’s advanced technology industry. This award was presented to her on May 17 at the CATA Innovation Gala in Ottawa by Stephen McIntyre, Partner, E&Y.

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