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Mindfulness Has Many Benefits To Create Healthier And More Productive Organizations

Mindfulness refers to a psychological state of awareness, the practices that promote this awareness, a mode of processing information and a character trait. In a business context, mindfulness can be framed as being alert and mentally fit for duty to show up at work present and prepared – like behaving with a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment.

In her latest blog, Dr. Cindy Gordon discusses:

  • Mindfulness Top Benefits
  • Research Validations(s)

Read more here.

About Dr. Cindy Gordon:

Dr. Cindy Gordon is the CEO of SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company. Prior she has held senior leadership roles at Accenture, Xerox and Citicorp. Internationally, she is recognized for her innovation thought leadership with over 14 books in the market. Cindy is also a Board Director /Advisor with: Corent Technology, TouchTV, Kula and CoursePeer. She is also a recipient of the Governor’s General Award for Innovation. Her community track record is extensive, highlights include: CATA (Current National Media Spokesperson for Women in STEM), Invest CrowdFund (ICC) Canada (Former National Chair), Former National Chair at Women in Technology (CATA: CANWIT), Co-Chair, iCanada (Smart Cities), Former Director, Nightwood Theatre, Former Director, St. Lawrence Theatre, Former President, Xerox Canada Women in Technology, etc.

For more information, please contact:

Malay Upadhyay, Chief Customer Experience Officer, SalesChoice Inc.


Or please visit https://www.saleschoice.com/ where you can find more resources on AI.

Follow us on:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SalesChoice_inc

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/saleschoice

Employee Happiness Is A Leading Indicator Of Profitability And Productivity

Over the past year, Dr. Cindy Gordon has been researching and writing a number of Forbes #HappinessMatters articles discussing the declining happiness of employees and the impact this is having on businesses. In this blog, based on her findings, she covers topics ranging from Happiness Studies, The Impact to Business, How We Can Change the Tide, and more.

Read more here.

About Dr. Cindy Gordon:

Dr. Cindy Gordon is the CEO of SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company. Prior she has held senior leadership roles at Accenture, Xerox and Citicorp. Internationally, she is recognized for her innovation thought leadership with over 14 books in the market. Cindy is also a Board Director /Advisor with: Corent Technology, TouchTV, Kula and CoursePeer. She is also a recipient of the Governor’s General Award for Innovation. Her community track record is extensive, highlights include: CATA (Current National Media Spokesperson for Women in STEM), Invest CrowdFund (ICC) Canada (Former National Chair), Former National Chair at Women in Technology (CATA: CANWIT), Co-Chair, iCanada (Smart Cities), Former Director, Nightwood Theatre, Former Director, St. Lawrence Theatre, Former President, Xerox Canada Women in Technology, etc.

For more information, please contact:

Malay Upadhyay, Chief Customer Experience Officer, SalesChoice Inc.


Or please visit https://www.saleschoice.com/ where you can find more resources on AI.

Follow us on:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SalesChoice_inc

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/saleschoice

The Great Resignation: The Unhappiness Age Must Shift To The Happiness Age

Dr. Cindy Gordon shares her findings and thoughts on the staggering all-time high, of unhappiness across not just North America, but also globally. She also discusses why despite job market opportunities and looming recession, millions of workers are silently quitting or just opting out. Click here to read more.

About Dr. Cindy Gordon:

Dr. Cindy Gordon is the CEO of SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company. Prior she has held senior leadership roles at Accenture, Xerox and Citicorp. Internationally, she is recognized for her innovation thought leadership with over 14 books in the market. Cindy is also a Board Director /Advisor with: Corent Technology, TouchTV, Kula and CoursePeer. She is also a recipient of the Governor’s General Award for Innovation. Her community track record is extensive, highlights include: CATA (Current National Media Spokesperson for Women in STEM), Invest CrowdFund (ICC) Canada (Former National Chair), Former National Chair at Women in Technology (CATA: CANWIT), Co-Chair, iCanada (Smart Cities), Former Director, Nightwood Theatre, Former Director, St. Lawrence Theatre, Former President, Xerox Canada Women in Technology, etc.

For more information, please contact:

Malay Upadhyay, Chief Customer Experience Officer, SalesChoice Inc.


Or please visit https://www.saleschoice.com/ where you can find more resources on AI.

Follow us on:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/SalesChoice_inc

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/saleschoice

The Forbes Thought Leader Summit is back this October

Oct 4th, 2022 | Canada – The Forbes School of Business and Technology® Thought Leader Summit is back this October 2022! Hosted by FSBT University of Arizona Global Campus with Dr. Maja (Maya) Zelihic, Dr Margie Warrell, and Mark P Mills, on Monday, October 17, 2022, this year’s event’s theme is set to be “Innovation, Change, and Success in Thriving and Turbulent Environments”. 

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A women’s day message from SalesChoice CEO, Dr. Cindy Gordon

At SalesChoice our mission is to help our customers See More to Win More. However, data insights is not the only driver for growth insights. 

Human DNA is critical to advance/grow businesses forward and the right balance in gender DNA is critical.

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Why Do Board Directors And CEOs Need To Value UN Sustainability Goal 5 ? – Achieve Gender Equality And Empower All Women And Girls

“Why Do Board Directors And CEOs Need To Value UN Sustainability Goal 5 ? – Achieve Gender Equality And Empower All Women And Girls” – A Forbes blog by Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice, discusses a topic close to her heart i.e. advancing young women into leadership roles and motivating young girls to build STEM – science, technology engineering and mathematic skills to have a better career and income foundation. To read more, click here

New Global Community fills the gap sales leaders experience in finding help to conquer revenue uncertainty

February 1st, 2021 | Toronto, CA – SalesChoice and Value Inspirations joined forces to launch the Sales Leaders Network – a place where Chief Revenue Officers and VPs of Sales can tap into each others genius, level up, and lead. 

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Ian Locke Joins the SalesChoice Leadership Team

January 4th, 2021 | Toronto, CA – SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company, welcomes Mr. Ian Locke on its leadership team, as the Chief Business Development Officer.

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September 2019 Newsletter

SalesChoice feature

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SalesChoice Inc. Announces Leadership Changes

17th October 2018 | Toronto, CA – SalesChoice, a leading cognitive sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences company, announces changes in its leadership team, with new appointments and promotions.

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