ZigaForm version 6.1.1

AI Awards

Dr. Cindy Gordon, SalesChoice CEO, Recognized as an Influential CEO in Sales Automation

Canada, August 2023 – SalesChoice is proud to announce the recognition of Dr. Cindy Gordon, SalesChoice CEO, in the latest issue of CEO Review. The article titled “Issue 6, 2023: Recognizing Visionary CEOs” showcases Dr. Cindy Gordon as the Most Influential CEO 2023 – Ontario (Sales Automation).

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SalesChoice Featured as one of the “Key Players in the Sales Analytics Software Market”

November 29th, 2022 | Canada – SalesChoice was recently profiled as one of the “Key Players in the Sales Analytics Software Market” by Skegness Siren.

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SalesChoice featured as one of the “Top companies Influencing the Sales Analytics Software Market”

November 1st, 2022 | Canada – SalesChoice was recently profiled as one of the “Top companies Influencing the Sales Analytics Software Market” by Digital Journal.

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August 2022 Newsletter

SalesChoice was recognized among the Top 10 Revenue Management Solution Providers by Xplorex IT Magazine.

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SalesChoice a “Top Players in Global Predictive Sales Analytics Tools Marketplace” by Orbis Research, as featured on Construction News

February 25th, 2022 | Canada – SalesChoice is pleased to announce that we have been recently recognised as a “Top Players in Global Predictive Sales Analytics Tools Marketplace” by Orbis Research.

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