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Mood Insights

January 2023 Newsletter

Happy new year! 2023 promises to be one filled with equal parts disruption and uncertainty. While the deluge of Generative AI tools have filled the market with excitement, the economic reality remains a sobering reality check.

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November 2022 Newsletter

Have you taken a look at Mood Insights yet? If not, catch this 30-second video to learn how you can achieve a team dynamic and employee experience like never before with a real-time channel on operational gaps, corporate risk, employee moods and their drivers, all while respecting individual privacy. More details on the website here.

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Advancing AI Smarter Intelligence Everything In The Transportation And Logistics Industry – Industry Series: Blog #5

In the first blog in the AI transportation and logistics series, Dr. Cindy Gordon featured AI transformation innovations at Purolator; the second blog focused on the acceleration of smarter AI telematics in fleet management. The third blog explored AI emotion sensors and the impact that the affective computing market is having on the transportation and logistics industry. The fourth blog discussed AI revenue growth and operational optimization use cases relevant to the T&L industry and touched on drones and their economic impact.

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Advancing AI Drone Insights In The Transportation And Logistics Industry Series: Blog #5

In the first blog in the AI transportation and logistics (T&L) series, Dr. Cindy Gordon featured AI transformation innovations at Purolator; the second blog focused on the acceleration of smarter AI telematics in fleet management. The third blog explored AI emotion sensors and the impact that the affective computing market is having on the transportation and logistics industry. The fourth blog discussed AI revenue growth and operational optimization use cases to ensure that your T&L company is positioned for accelerated growth. This fifth blog looks at the impact of robotic drones. To read more, click here.

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Advancing AI Revenue Growth And Operations Insights In The Transportation And Logistics Industry – Industry Series: Blog #4

In the first blog in the AI transportation and logistics series, Dr. Cindy Gordon featured AI transformation innovations at Purolator; the second blog focused on the acceleration of smarter AI telematics in fleet management. The third blog explored AI emotion sensors and the impact that the affective computing market is having on the transportation and logistics industry. This fourth blog discusses AI revenue growth and operational optimization use cases to ensure your T&L company is positioned for accelerated growth. To read more, click here.

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Advancing AI Emotion Sensors In The Transportation And Logistics Industry Series: Blog #3

In the first blog in the AI transportation and logistics series, Dr. Cindy Gordon featured AI transformation innovations at Purolator; the second blog focused on the acceleration of smarter AI telematics in fleet management. This third blog explores AI emotion sensors and the impact that the affective computing market will have on the transportation and logistics industry. To read more, click here.

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Advancing AI Telematics In The Transportation And Logistics Industry Series: Blog #2

In the first blog in the AI transportation and logistics series, Dr. Cindy Gordon featured the AI transformation innovations at Purolator, this second blog focuses on the acceleration of smarter AI telematics infrastructure in fleet management, and will challenge CEOs and Board Directors to accelerate their knowledge of AI filtrated business models to modernize and remain relevant. To read more, click here.

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October 2021 Newsletter

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September 2021 Newsletter

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SalesChoice, in partnership with Purolator, received support from the Ontario government to commercialize a ground-breaking AI-powered driver health and safety solution.

September 20, 2021  | Ontario, Canada – Ontario-based AI SaaS startup, SalesChoice, is partnering with Purolator, one of North America’s leading courier and logistics companies and the Government of Ontario, through Ontario’s Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network (AVIN), on a new driver health and safety initiative that will test the effectiveness of an AI-based predictive mood tracking and prescriptive mobile application.

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