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business strategy

New releases in the EY and SalesChoice video series on “Managing the Risks of AI”

March 27, 2018 | Toronto, ON – Accelerated interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) means that individuals and businesses will need to understand the ethics, risks and impacts of what is being unleashed. SalesChoice and EY have come to together to discuss the hidden risks of AI and its impact on stakeholders in a new video series, “Managing the Risks of AI.” The series is led by Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice, and Cathy Cobey, Technology Risk Partner at EY Canada.

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MINDFULNESS: A New Way Forward for Board Directors

Leading in the Age of Distraction

By Dr. Cindy Gordon

Today, we are experiencing a tidal wave of rapid changes sweeping every industry. Most boards of directors are ill prepared to confront the current and future challenges posed by new technological innovations, such as AI, machine learning, cyber security, robots, digital convergence, IoT, robo-advisors, complex omni-channels, and more.

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