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Machine Learning

SalesChoice Inc. Increases its Sales Talent Coverage in USA – A Sales Leader’s Story Worth Reading 

SalesChoice Inc., an award winning AI SaaS Sales Platform is expanding its USA market coverage as it enters its Scale Up Plans in the Guided Selling and Responsible AI Market place. This is the amazing story of what made a veteran Silicon Valley sales leader join SalesChoice.

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Data Completeness Newsletter – Jan 28 2020

SC news

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January 2020 Newsletter

SalesChoice feature

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Holidays 2019 Newsletter

SalesChoice feature

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September 2019 Newsletter

SalesChoice feature

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July 2019 Newsletter

SalesChoice feature

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Canadians Waiting Too Long To Embrace AI



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere now in our world and in our societies. We are experiencing a new world order where AI is quickly becoming the new oxygen for humans to breathe in. Stanford professor, Andrew Ng, referred to AI as “the new electricity” and PWC is predicting that AI can increase the Global GDP by the equivalent of $15.7T by 2030. AI is much bigger than these forecasts.

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June 2019 Newsletter

AI Insight

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SalesChoice May 2019 Newsletter

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Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO SalesChoice, Wins the MindBridge AI ‘AI Leader of the Year’ Award

Ottawa, Canada | May 30th 2019 – Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO & Founder of SalesChoice Inc., has been awarded the 2019 MindBridge AI ‘AI Leader of the Year’ Award at this year’s Impact AI Conference.

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