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Stuck In The Past When You Can See the Future? B2B Sales Must Embrace AI Guided Selling Today or Be Left Behind!

“Are you going to hit your sales target this quarter?”

This question holds true for quota carrying B2B Sales Professionals. There is nothing more important than closing the right deals faster and being smarter.

Sales is hard and not getting any easier as sales leaders today find themselves strapped for time and are often focused on activities – not conducive to successful conversion or win rates. 30-60% of sales reps in the mid-tier do not meet their sales targets or forecast accurately, while customer facing productivity has declined from 50% to 36% over the past five years (Accenture, CSO Insights).

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Versature Workplace Evolved Episode #14 “Keeping the Wind in Your Sales”

Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice talks to Versature about her experiences over the years working with high-performance sales organizations and about how she’s been able to consistently pivot and adapt to new challenges and advances in technology to always remain a top contender in the competitive world of business to business sales.

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