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Dr. Cindy Gordon Joins Forbes as an Artificial Intelligence Contributor

Toronto, CA | August 14th, 2020 – We are pleased to announce that Dr. Cindy Gordon has recently joined Forbes as a thought leadership contributor to its newly launched AI Leadership segment. 

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March 2020 Newsletter

SalesChoice community

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Versature Workplace Evolved Episode #14 “Keeping the Wind in Your Sales”

Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice talks to Versature about her experiences over the years working with high-performance sales organizations and about how she’s been able to consistently pivot and adapt to new challenges and advances in technology to always remain a top contender in the competitive world of business to business sales.

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Editorial: The Story Behind SalesChoice Winning the AI Disruption Award 2018

After your Saturday morning coffee and a pancake breakfast with the kids, perhaps you pick up a list of chores. Perhaps you stare at these tasks, each of them daunting in its own way, and pin the list back under the magnet on the fridge as you turn to the coffee maker for another cup.

But what if you had AI to help you know which tasks really needed to be crossed off that list? What if they were ranked by letter grades from A to F, each grade representing the balance of work required to finish the task versus the benefits of getting it done? Suddenly that endless list wouldn’t look so daunting and you’d know where to get started right away.

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The Future of Finance in a Digital World – What’s New and What’s Up Ahead

Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice Inc. recently spoke at the RSI Summit sharing her insights on Artificial Intelligence and the rise of guided selling. Here is a script of her speech.

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SalesChoice Welcomes Mr Joe Deklic on its Board of Advisors

SalesChoice, a Cognitive Sciences AI-based sales analytics platform and Data Sciences Company, announces the appointment of Joe Deklic to its board of advisors, bringing it to a total of 10 members.

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SalesChoice Inc. recognized among “The 10 Best Performing Sales Management Solution Providers 2018”

April 24, 2018 | Toronto, ON – SalesChoice Inc has been recognized as one of “The 10 Best Performing Sales Management Solution Providers 2018”.

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SalesChoice Launches the Predictive AI World Podcast Series

SalesChoice announces today the launch of its Predictive AI World podcast series. In the current age of distraction where data volume and growth is unprecedented, AI has steadily become the new fuel to cope with this ever-evolving digital intelligent world. This podcast series aims to focus on The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on businesses.

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Predictive AI Newsletter – July-August 2017

There’s a reason we take AI seriously at SalesChoice. It is estimated that worldwide spending on artificial intelligence and cognitive systems is poised to rise to $46 billion in 2020, up 768% from 2016. The good thing is that we understand not only the economic but also the human element involved with AI adoption. 

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SalesChoice Inc., a Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics SaaS Company specializing in sales analytics and an ISV Certified App of Salesforce, has just been Profiled as a Top 25 Most Empowering Data Company, featured in the BIG DATA Fall, 2016 SPECIAL EDITION. You can see the full feature coverage here .

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