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New Global Community fills the gap sales leaders experience in finding help to conquer revenue uncertainty

February 1st, 2021 | Toronto, CA – SalesChoice and Value Inspirations joined forces to launch the Sales Leaders Network – a place where Chief Revenue Officers and VPs of Sales can tap into each others genius, level up, and lead. 

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How every CEO can mitigate risk and increase shareholder confidence in 2019?

CEOs across North America are confident they have solid growth prospects over the next three years, but despite this long term outlook, the KPMG U.S. CEO Outlook 2018 report features results from an in-depth survey of 400 U.S. CEOs determined that:

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SalesChoice November 2018 Newsletter

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Stuck In The Past When You Can See the Future? B2B Sales Must Embrace AI Guided Selling Today or Be Left Behind!

“Are you going to hit your sales target this quarter?”

This question holds true for quota carrying B2B Sales Professionals. There is nothing more important than closing the right deals faster and being smarter.

Sales is hard and not getting any easier as sales leaders today find themselves strapped for time and are often focused on activities – not conducive to successful conversion or win rates. 30-60% of sales reps in the mid-tier do not meet their sales targets or forecast accurately, while customer facing productivity has declined from 50% to 36% over the past five years (Accenture, CSO Insights).

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Championing a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice Inc. was recently invited to be a speaker at the Capgemini “Applied Innovation Discover Series: Championing a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace”, along with other market leaders from Salesforce, Rogers Communications, and Environics Analytics. This series aimed to discuss how these market leaders are committing to and instilling, a more inclusive workplace to attract and retain strong talent as well as encouraging investment and participation in STEM fields for women.

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#1 Issue in Technology Industry is Not Enough Women in Tech and Keeping Them in Tech

Recently on the 16th of September 2018, Dr. Cindy Gordon was invited to be a speaker at the International IEEE Women in Engineering conference in Toronto, Canada, to discuss diversity and inclusiveness and the imperative to drive better performance. The number one issue she discussed at this international forum that is facing the technology industry is not enough women are in our Tech Sector, and we are not keeping them in our tech sector. Following is a blog written by her on the issue at hand.

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SalesChoice August 2018 Newsletter

SalesChoice Inc. recently won the AI Disruption Award, at the 2nd Annual ITWC Digital Transformation Awards. The award recognizes SalesChoice for going beyond AI predictive analytics and building out a transparent AI prescriptive analytics insights visualization layer that provides actionable insights. Explainable AI is a cornerstone of SalesChoice. Read more here.

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Versature Workplace Evolved Episode #14 “Keeping the Wind in Your Sales”

Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice talks to Versature about her experiences over the years working with high-performance sales organizations and about how she’s been able to consistently pivot and adapt to new challenges and advances in technology to always remain a top contender in the competitive world of business to business sales.

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8 Parameters to Qualify AI Solutions

This thread aims to consider a framework to allow policymakers to qualify and rate AI solutions across relevant parameters. While discussing in another thread, it occurred that while it is important to discuss what AI can or cannot do, we should also think of standards that govern our currently available day-to-day AI solutions and how to make them easily understandable to the public. It would allow effective, responsible and careful adoption of current AI solutions by users, and will require an official certification or rating, just the way movies today are rated R, PG etc. or a food product is rated on its level of spice.

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Editorial: The Story Behind SalesChoice Winning the AI Disruption Award 2018

After your Saturday morning coffee and a pancake breakfast with the kids, perhaps you pick up a list of chores. Perhaps you stare at these tasks, each of them daunting in its own way, and pin the list back under the magnet on the fridge as you turn to the coffee maker for another cup.

But what if you had AI to help you know which tasks really needed to be crossed off that list? What if they were ranked by letter grades from A to F, each grade representing the balance of work required to finish the task versus the benefits of getting it done? Suddenly that endless list wouldn’t look so daunting and you’d know where to get started right away.

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