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Bridging the Gap at Work

This week, my business Partner, Malay Upadhyay, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, SalesChoice Inc., and I, attended the Bridging the Gap Conference, led by Kelly Lovell, CEO Lovell Corporation bringing our Youth Together to discuss the impact a global network can have on sustainability. Here are the findings on How Millennials and Generation Z are redefining work.

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July 2019 Newsletter

SalesChoice feature

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Canadians Waiting Too Long To Embrace AI



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere now in our world and in our societies. We are experiencing a new world order where AI is quickly becoming the new oxygen for humans to breathe in. Stanford professor, Andrew Ng, referred to AI as “the new electricity” and PWC is predicting that AI can increase the Global GDP by the equivalent of $15.7T by 2030. AI is much bigger than these forecasts.

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June 2019 Newsletter

AI Insight

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The Bedford Group & SalesChoice Inc. Develop Strategic Alliance To Help Clients Build ‘The Organization Of The Future’

“As the leader in AI Predictive Sales and Marketing Cloud Solutions, SalesChoice Inc. is a substantial complement to our executive search and talent management service offering at The Bedford Group. We are thrilled to be partnering with SalesChoice Inc. to help our clients build their future organizations.”  

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