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IT consulting

Predictive AI Insights Newsletter – June 2017

It’s Canada’s 150th Birthday. But that’s not the only reason we are so excited… We mean, THIS excited! There are five reasons.

Reason 1: Our cool new video! Kick off you Canada Day celebration with this quick and peppy pitch. We definitely love it.

Reason 2: SalesChoice is now Einstein Analytics certified. Formerly called WAVE by Salesforce, it allows us to build lenses, dashboards, and apps (ANC-201), as well as work with Data and Dashboards (ANC-301) in Einstein Analytics. Wave is optimized for mobile access and data visualization; this BI analytic solution helps create powerful reports and dashboards from your enterprise data. SalesChoice’s predictive scores and insights can now easily overlay into Einstein Analytics, offering the most differentiated AI sales solution in the market.

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Predictive AI Insights Newsletter – May 2017

May was an Awards month. Always good to get those, especially when they reflect something so much bigger than any of us! Let’s dive in.

Few of us know that Lady Sara Kirke was Canada’s first woman entrepreneur – a legacy dating as far back as 1638 that is recognized annually by The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA). This year, the Sara Kirke E&Y Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation went to Dr. Cindy Gordon, our Founder & CEO. Read the full history and details of the award here. Or Watch the Video to hear from Dr. Gordon.

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Blog #7.2: AI and Trust are Key to Evolutionary Success

Series 7 – The Rise of AI: The Perfect World or The Perfect Storm?

Our last blog focused on the growth of AI and the explosion of Big Data. This blog will focus on the importance of developing Trust and Transparency in designing, developing and implementing AI products and service solutions, and will identify Innovative AI companies to watch.

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SalesChoice wins the Rising Star and Great User Experience awards

SalesChoice has won two prestigious FinancesOnline awards for business intelligence software!

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Guest Post by Straight North – Lead Validation in Internet Marketing

Word from the COO on The Critical Importance Of Lead Validation In Internet Marketing:

Aaron Wittersheim is Chief Operating Officer at Internet marketing agency Straight North. His focus is on Internet marketing and website services, and technology.

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Blog #6.4: Narrative Storytelling for Sales – The Conclusion

Series 6 – The Rise of Narrative Story Telling for Enhancing Sales Human Performance

We are working with our clients closely to explore how narrative story telling approaches can help improve the use and adoption of their investments in CRM Technologies, which continue to disappoint companies globally, despite what vendors are marketing.

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Predictive Insights Newsletter

Wishing you a successful 2017!

We are committed to helping companies: Prioritize, Predict, and Pace to achieve actionable insights for competitive advantage using AI and Machine Learning approaches to accelerate Sales Wins an Conversion Rates. 

We have kick started the New Year with a new product addition to our portfolio, a new blog series talking about the importance of Narrative Story Telling, a Webinar on Data Sciences Readiness in our Predictive World.

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Blog #6.3: Merits of Story Telling and Introduction to Predictive Narrative

Series 6 – The Rise of Narrative Story Telling for Enhancing Sales Human Performance

Before we dive further into the merits of narrative storytelling, let’s review a few key points:

1.)  Sales Productivity of B2B Sales professionals is plummeting and some futurists are now warning that B2B Sales professionals will die out in less than 30 years;

2.)  Data patterns are everywhere – inside and outside the CRM systems that sales professionals use;

3.)  Storytelling approaches create a rapid foundation for cultural ingestion and learning and can go “viral” rapidly to inform cultural DNA about optimal pathways forward; and

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Blog #6.2: Narrative Storytelling Enhances Sales Performance

Series 6 – The Rise of Narrative Story Telling for Enhancing Sales Human Performance

B2B Sales productivity has hit an all time low in performance, and has dropped by 15% over the last ten years, now running on an average of in field productive face-to-face customer time at roughly 30% (Accenture, 2016).

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Blog #6.1: The Roots of Storytelling for Sales

Series 6 – The Rise of Narrative Story Telling for Enhancing Sales Human Performance

In this eBook, we will examine Narrative Story Telling for Enhancing the Human Performance of Sales Professionals. The content has been organized into four sections:

  • Section 1.0 – The Roots of Story Telling: explores the ancient roots of story telling, and discusses the significance of stories in developing a quality culture, where best practices are the norm.
  • Section 2.0 – examines the changing landscape of B2B sales professionals where customer intelligence is surpassing the performance levels of sales professionals, and discusses the value of narrative story telling to accelerate sales performance.
  • Section 3.0 – further discusses the attributes of story telling and provides examples of predictive narrative story telling for sales professionals.
  • Section 4.0 – provides an impactful conclusion, pulling the key themes together explored in Sections 1.0 – 3.0.

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