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Why Do Board Directors And CEOs Need To Value UN Sustainability Goal 5 ? – Achieve Gender Equality And Empower All Women And Girls

“Why Do Board Directors And CEOs Need To Value UN Sustainability Goal 5 ? – Achieve Gender Equality And Empower All Women And Girls” – A Forbes blog by Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice, discusses a topic close to her heart i.e. advancing young women into leadership roles and motivating young girls to build STEM – science, technology engineering and mathematic skills to have a better career and income foundation. To read more, click here

Word from the CEO: SalesChoice at Collision 2019

SalesChoice Inc., a TRUSTED AI SALES INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM, is heading to Collision in Toronto, Canada in the week of May 20 2019. Visit us at our AI/ML *Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning* Booth at A:338.

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Championing a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice Inc. was recently invited to be a speaker at the Capgemini “Applied Innovation Discover Series: Championing a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace”, along with other market leaders from Salesforce, Rogers Communications, and Environics Analytics. This series aimed to discuss how these market leaders are committing to and instilling, a more inclusive workplace to attract and retain strong talent as well as encouraging investment and participation in STEM fields for women.

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Dr. Cindy Gordon Presents STEM Community Leadership Award to Doina Oncel, CEO of hEr VOLUTION at the IMPACT AI Conference

June 4 2018 | Toronto, ON – Ottawa saw its first and biggest AI Conference, IMPACT AI, on 24th May 2018. Designed to facilitate a dialogue between leaders in Government and Corporate Enterprises on applied AI and the transformational effect it is having on the workplace and our workforce, this conference saw 15 industry experts and leaders immerse the attendees in exclusive insights while taking a deep dive on AI and its place in our future.

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