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AI Sales Tech

Blog #4: Deep Learning: The Rise of Cognitive Science Technology

Understanding Cognitive Science Technology

Cognitive Computing is a highly technical and mathematical field. At a simple level, the idea of a computer that thinks like a human is appealing. At a technical level, the idea that a computer system consumes data and  information of all types and performs calculations on what it is ingesting can raise a lot of questions especially when the computer is predicting outcomes for humans to “act upon.”

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Meet Selly Says: The World’s First AI Powered Sales GPS


Sales professionals have hit rock bottom in B2B Sales Productivity. Time in field has consistently dropped year over year and is reported by Accenture in their recent Age of Distraction Report has decreased from 41% time in field to less than 31% of time.

Focus is a distress signal everywhere. What does one do?

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SalesChoice recognized by Gartner group in Market Review on Predictive Analytics

SalesChoice Inc., a Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics SaaS Company specializing in sales analytics was recognized by Gartner Group in the September 7th Market Review Report on Predictive Analytics Software Innovators. “We were very pleased to be identified as a promising SaaS-based predictive analytics application helping B2B salespeople and marketers improve win rates, deal velocity and size.” says Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO and Founder of SalesChoice. “Gartner is the world’s leading technology research and advisory company – to be profiled by them is a new success milestone for our company, we could not be more thrilled.”

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Blog #3: Global Leaders: On the Innovation Edge


Blog #2 discussed the history of predictive analytics from the perspective of Artificial Intelligence, and traced leadership from both classical philosophers like: Aristotle, Euclid, in ancient times to covering more modern times, profiling British mathematician Alan Turing. His provocative innovation question posed at a 1956 conference: “Can machines think?”, spurred on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) movement, and unleashed a cosmic energy force that has some modern scientists, worried, others see the positive effects.

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Blog #2: A Closer Look at Artificial Intelligence


Blog #1 discussed the history of predictive analytics going back to 1689 with Lloyds of London, insurance company. Predictive approaches, irrespective of the computing science and machine learning underpinnings, have been here for over 337 years. Blog #2 will define predictive analytics methods in more detail and in particular, I will explore the relevance and history of artificial intelligence.

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Blog #1: The History and Roots of Predictive Analytics

I am working on a new BOOK called The Predictive Generation, which will be written over the next 12 months with 4 blog entries per month written on Monday morning. Guess you know what I am doing every weekend. I will explore the following themes and look forward to the journey with my readers.

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What is the Top Leadership Behavior for Sales Professionals?

Einstein did a lot of things in his lifetime that we recognize as genius. Einstein’s incredible conviction to challenge leadership behaviors if they were not curious to experiment or innovate is what sales leaders need to accelerate competency development in. Continually being open to try new ways of working is Einstein like behavior. Einstein believed passionately that: Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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What would Einstein Say to Sales Leadership?

One might ask, what relevance does Einstein have to do with Sales Forecasting and Sales Pipeline Management?

Einstein did a lot of things in his lifetime that we recognize as genius. But what most people do not appreciate is his conviction and insatiable desire to challenge leadership behaviors that were not reflective of having an open and curious mind, being willing to constantly innovate and experiment to crystallize new ways of evolving.

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Digiday Media Finds Success using SalesChoice’s Predictive Analytics and calls it the New Sales GPS

Digiday is a leader in the media industry and has been rapidly growing year over year by 70%. Their unique sales cycle and expanding sales team posed many new challenges to them. Monitoring easily their sales pipeline in SalesForce on sales coverage, quality of deals, and sales forecasting was an ongoing challenge. One of the major issues Digiday was facing that in native SalesForce, the opportunity to pick any time dimension for forecasting was not easily accessible, so SalesChoice augmented the functionality that Digiday needed to meet their unique media industry needs.

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Salesforce ISV Partner – SalesChoice achieves over 90% Accuracy at RelationEdge

RelationEdge Overview
RelationEdge is a CA, HQ company with offices across the USA in: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, LA, NY, San Diego, Irving, San Francisco and Seattle. They specialize in implementing technology solutions that are simple to use, but provide powerful information that drives their clients’ business to higher performance levels. Their methodology is based on business process engineering and sales management, employing a process first, technology second approach to solve their clients business problems. Their passion for helping clients better market, sell, and service distinguish them from their competitors.

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