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Sales enablement software

What would Einstein Say to Sales Leadership?

One might ask, what relevance does Einstein have to do with Sales Forecasting and Sales Pipeline Management?

Einstein did a lot of things in his lifetime that we recognize as genius. But what most people do not appreciate is his conviction and insatiable desire to challenge leadership behaviors that were not reflective of having an open and curious mind, being willing to constantly innovate and experiment to crystallize new ways of evolving.

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Digiday Media Finds Success using SalesChoice’s Predictive Analytics and calls it the New Sales GPS

Digiday is a leader in the media industry and has been rapidly growing year over year by 70%. Their unique sales cycle and expanding sales team posed many new challenges to them. Monitoring easily their sales pipeline in SalesForce on sales coverage, quality of deals, and sales forecasting was an ongoing challenge. One of the major issues Digiday was facing that in native SalesForce, the opportunity to pick any time dimension for forecasting was not easily accessible, so SalesChoice augmented the functionality that Digiday needed to meet their unique media industry needs.

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Salesforce ISV Partner – SalesChoice achieves over 90% Accuracy at RelationEdge

RelationEdge Overview
RelationEdge is a CA, HQ company with offices across the USA in: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, LA, NY, San Diego, Irving, San Francisco and Seattle. They specialize in implementing technology solutions that are simple to use, but provide powerful information that drives their clients’ business to higher performance levels. Their methodology is based on business process engineering and sales management, employing a process first, technology second approach to solve their clients business problems. Their passion for helping clients better market, sell, and service distinguish them from their competitors.

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Value of Analytics Soars Among Sales Teams

Our life is frittered away by detail … simplify, simplify.’ ~Henry David Thoreau

The Value of Analytics use soars among Top Sales Teams.

Where there’s analytics use, there’s likely a winning sales organization. High-performing sales teams are 3.5x more likely than underperforming teams to use sales analytics. Across teams at all levels, we’ll see a 58% increase in sales analytics use from 2015 to 2016. Smart selling, fueled by technologies like predictive analytics, starts piquing sales teams’ interest and is expected to jump 77% among high performers in the next 12–18 months (SalesForce Report, 2015).

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Are you spending too much time researching and not enough selling?

Sales cycles are long. Even after spending hours preparing the best proposals, you’re no closer to your quota. Don’t you wish you were spending less time researching your sales accounts and more time selling to them?

What if you could also avoid the worst deals — the ones that were doomed from the get-go? The amount of data sales organizations have to deal with has grown by 100x in recent years. Data is drowning sales professionals’ productivity. How do you get above the dark clouds?

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SalesChoice – The New Sales GPS

In today’s attention deficit deprived world, sales forecasting accuracy has increasingly become more complex and consequently higher error rates. According to Sirius Decisions, companies estimate on average that they spend 2.5 hours per week and managers 1.5 hours on forecasting. Yet, nearly 80% of sales organizations don’t forecast within 10% of where they eventually land. They often don’t anticipate missing targets or realize too late in the quarter to take action.

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SalesChoice Inc. Partners with Relation Edge to Expand Coverage


SalesChoice Inc., a Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics SaaS Company specializing in sales analytics and an ISV Certified App of Salesforce, has partnered with RelationEdge to advance its North American channel reach to small and mid enterprise businesses.

We have partnered with RelationEdge due to their depth in Salesforce Systems Integration and their world-class process value proposition to understand customer needs first before deploying technology. Partnering with RelationEdge enables us to rapidly grow our Data Science and Analytics offerings and leverage their and go-to-market expertise,” said Dr. Cindy Gordon, SalesChoice CEO and Founder.

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SalesChoice Recognized as Leading Sales Management Software Provider

For Immediate Release:

SalesChoice Recognized as Leading Sales Management Solutions Provider

SalesChoice Inc. has been officially recognized by the CIO Review in their 2016 annual listing of 20 leading companies that are at the forefront of providing sales management solutions.

Todays sales managers and sales professionals are leveraging social, mobile, big data, and cloud technologies to optimize the way they gain and retain new customers.

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Sales & Digital Marketing: Prospecting and Platform

Dr. Cindy Gordon , CEO SalesChoice, spoke on May 5th at a local Mississauga Board of Trade and Microsoft Sponsored Event on Sales and Digital Marketing: Prospective Platform Technologies. She was joined by Jon Lombardo, Global Creative Strategist, Linked In, Rob Triggs, VP CRM Dynamics, Krista LaReviere, Co-Founder, CEO G-Shift, and Corby Simpson, a Digital Strategist. Details are at :http://web.mbot.com/events/Sales-Digital-Marketing-Prospecting-Platform-Technologies-376/details

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Sales & Digital Marketing Prospecting & Platform Technologies Event – MBOT

Making sense of today’s technology choices for your business has never been more complicated. Business leaders in today’s world need to stay on top of emerging technologies in order to be innovative, productive and competitive.

On May 5th, Microsoft Canada and the Mississauga Board of Trade are running a  conference to discuss these challenges. You can register at www.mbot.com and hear innovative thought leaders and guest speakers.

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